Ships on the Nile
Cruises on the Nile require special ships. The biggest river of the world offers journeys on special vessels, information about which can be found in this category. Looking at the photographs we can say that features of ships operating on the Nile are unique. The possibility to find free places on ships traveling along the Nile online is an option, which is available for the cruise-profi.com users.
Ships |

First-Class Nilschiff: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Nile Excellence: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Sherry Boat: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Mayfair: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Steigenberger Minerva: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Komfort-Class Nilschiff: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Dahabeya Nilschiff: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Firstclass-Nilschiff: Das First-Class Nilschiff verfügt über einige Annehmlichkeiten um die Reise auf dem geschichtsträchtigen Nil zu einem ganz besonderen E...

Nilschiff First-Class: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Nilschiff der Komfort-Klasse: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Komfort-Class Nil-Nostalgieschiff: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Premium First-Class Nilschiff: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Jaz Senator: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Mövenpick Royal Lotus & Prince Abbas: Die MS Mövenpick Royal Lotus & Prince Abbas bieten ihren Passagieren eine unvergesslich Nilkreuzfahrt im sagenumwobenen Land der Pharao...

Royale: Auf der Jaz Royale findet man Klasse mit Luxus und Gewandtheit vereint. Elegant und schön eingerichtet lädt die Jaz Royale zu einem unverges...

Nilschiff "young & single" (all inclusive): Wer die kulturreiche und beeindruckende Welt der Pharaonen und Pyramiden alleine aber in bester Gesellschaft entdecken möchte, wird auf dem Nilkr...

Mövenpick Royal Lotus: Das 2005 gebaute Nilschiff MS Mövenpick Royal Lotus bietet mit 60 Doppelkabinen und 2 Royal Suiten Platz für 130 Passagiere. Das luxuriö...

Regent: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Zena: Das im Jahr 2000 erbaute First-Class Nilkreuzfahrtschiff MS Zena bietet auf ihren insgesamt fünf Decks bis zu 148 Passagieren ein einmaliges Reis...

Nile Supreme: Das 73 Meter lange Schiff MS Nile Supreme wurde 1993 gebaut. Die 68 Standardkabinen und die 6 Suiten mit individuell regulierbarer Klimaanlage bieten ...

First-Class Nilschiff "all inclusive": Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Komfort-Class Nilschiff "all inclusive": Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Mövenpick Royal Lily: Mit der MS Mövenpick Royal Lily entdecken Bordgäste die einzigartige Magie Ober-Ägyptens und erleben zugleich die Eleganz und den Komfo...

Regina: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

King Tut IV: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Regency: Die Jaz Regency ist ein Schiff mit besonderem Charme und bietet in ihren 52 Kabinen genügend Platz um eine Reise auf dem Nil so richtig genie&szl...

Tania: Eine unvergessliche Reise auf der bedeutsamsten Lebensader Nord- und Ostafrikas - dem Nil - und dem Stausee Nassersee wird Ihnen in familiärer At...

Senator: Die Jaz Senator ist ein einzigartiges Schiff mit 17 Suiten ausgestattet, somit ist ein hoher Standard für VIP Gäste oder für alle Reise...

Riviera will start its first Caribbean cruise in Miami
Riviera, which is the newest ship of the Oceania Cruises company, will depart for the first winter cruise from Miami on November 29, 2012.
More cruises in Northern Europe
It is expected that 2012 will be one of the most successful season in the modern history of the cruise traveling for the Northern Europe region. The European Cruise Council (ECC) has estimated that the number of passengers in the current season will increase by 16% compared with 2011 and reach 1 million 490 thousand people.
Norwegian: free cruises for children
Norwegian Cruise Line, the third-largest cruise company in the world, announced a special offer – “Kids Sail Free”. As part of the offer potential customers will be able to book on favorable terms cabins on the cruise ships for themselves and their children – the third and fourth beds in the cabin for the children under 17 years can be booked for free.