Small ships in the Mediterranean
Cruise ships in the Mediterranean are presented not only by elegant liners, but also by small yachts and ships that offer cruises around the islands. These options can be met in Greece and Croatia, countries that are known for their islands. In this category are presented cruise offers on these ships. Cruise-profi.ru portal offers detailed information about living conditions on a particular ship, as well as booking of cruises on it online.
Ships |

Amore: Verlieben Sie sich in die MS Amore während Ihrer herrlichen Adria-Kreuzfahrt! Die 2011 gebaute, 40 Meter lange Amore nimmt bis zu 38 Bordgä...

Belle de l'Adriatique: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Panorama: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Otac Luka: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Dalmatino: Wie die anderen Schiffe der Reederei ID Riva ist die MS Dalmatino ein Motorsegler in klassischer Holzbauweise. Erleben Sie an Bord des 26 Meter l...

Antonela: Die 2007 fertiggestellte MS Antonela ist 33 Meter lang und bietet mit ihren 17 Kabinen Platz für 34 Passagiere. Die Einschiffung für die Adr...

Mirabela: Die bereits im Jahr 1950 gebaute MS Mirabela wurde 2005 komplett rekonstruiert und modernen Standards angepasst. Bis zu 26 Passagiere können an B...

Sagena: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Lastavica: Die MS Lastavica wurde im Jahr 2008 gebaut und ist 33 Meter lang. Der klangvolle Name des Motorseglers bedeutet Schwalbe. Die 32 Passagiere finden w&a...

Kruna Mora: Der Motorsegler MS Kruna Mora, dessen Name Meereskrone bedeutet, stammt aus dem Jahr 1992 und wurde 2000 und 2007 umgebaut und modernisiert....

Orkan: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Aneta: Die 1958 gebaute MS Aneta wurde 2009 komplett rekonstruiert und modernisiert. Das 32 Meter lange Schiff bietet in 15 Kabinen nun Platz für 32 Pas...

Planka: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Sveti Vid: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Columbo: Die 2009 gebaute MS Columbo zeichnet sich durch seinen Stahlrumpf aus. Das 35 Meter lange Schiff bietet 37 Passagieren Platz in 17 Kabinen, die alle &...

Poseidon: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Ribic: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Otac Ivan: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Pravedan: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Vila: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Arion: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Macek: Im Jahr 2004 wurde der Zweimast-Motorsegler MS Macek nach 2 Jahren leidenschaftlicher Arbeit fertiggestellt. Das 35 Meter lange Schiff bietet Platz f&...

Nerezine: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Toma: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Zelenbor: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Orion (Motorsegler): Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Kazimir: Die 39 Meter lange MS Kazimir wurde im Jahr 2000 gebaut und bietet bis zu 38 Passagieren Platz in 17 gemütlichen Kabinen, die allesamt über ...

Grand Admiral: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Gisela: Die 21 Meter lange luxuriöse Yacht Gisela ist entlang der Küste Montenegros anzutreffen, einem Staat an der südöstlichen Adriak&uu...

Riviera will start its first Caribbean cruise in Miami
Riviera, which is the newest ship of the Oceania Cruises company, will depart for the first winter cruise from Miami on November 29, 2012.
More cruises in Northern Europe
It is expected that 2012 will be one of the most successful season in the modern history of the cruise traveling for the Northern Europe region. The European Cruise Council (ECC) has estimated that the number of passengers in the current season will increase by 16% compared with 2011 and reach 1 million 490 thousand people.
Norwegian: free cruises for children
Norwegian Cruise Line, the third-largest cruise company in the world, announced a special offer – “Kids Sail Free”. As part of the offer potential customers will be able to book on favorable terms cabins on the cruise ships for themselves and their children – the third and fourth beds in the cabin for the children under 17 years can be booked for free.