River ships
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River Navigator: Im Jahr 2000 wurde die MS River Navigator gebaut. Das 110 Meter lange Schiff bietet Platz für 142 Passagiere. Die Annehmlichkeiten und Einrichtun...

Poetry: Die 2005 gebaute MS Poetry bietet mit 84 Kabinen und vier Suiten Platz für 176 Passagiere. Besonders beeindruckend ist die sich über zwei Eb...

Tapestry: Im Jahr 2006 wurde die MS Tapestry als sogenannter Twin-Cruiser gebaut. Bei dieser preisgekrönten Schiffsklasse sind Maschinen- und Passagierbere...

Victoria Prince: Im Jahre 2004 wurde das Reederei-Flaggschiff Victoria Prince aufgerüstet und verbessert, so dass es den Bedürfnissen und Wünschen der P...

Pandaw II: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Mekong Pandaw: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Road to Mandalay: Seit 1995 kreuzt das 1964 gebaute, ehemalige Rhein-Schiff MS Road to Mandalay für Orient-Express auf dem spektakulären Fluss Irrawaddy durch...

Isabella: Auf dem im Jahr 2004 gebauten Flußkreuzfahrtschiff MS Isabella können bis zu 140 Passagiere Platz finden. Die Einrichtungen des 110 Meter l...

Swiss Corona: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

France: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Nestroy: Entdecken Sie beschauliche Flusslandschaften an Bord der MS Nestroy! Auf dem 125 Meter langen vollklimatisierten Schiff mit den vier Decks logieren ...

Princess Sophie: Seit der Renovierung 2010 erstrahlt die 1994 gebaute MS Princess Sophie in neuem Glanz. Kommen Sie an Bord und überzeugen Sie sich selbst von dem...

Switzerland II: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Douro Prince: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

RV Paukan: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Mekong Explorer: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

La Marguerite: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Mekong Sun: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Prinzessin Isabella: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Bou El Mogdad: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

GĂ©rard Schmitter: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Amadeus Silver: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Primadonna: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Sainte Odile: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Spirit of Chartwell: Thank you for your interest in our Internet site! The current information is not available at the moment..

Riviera will start its first Caribbean cruise in Miami
Riviera, which is the newest ship of the Oceania Cruises company, will depart for the first winter cruise from Miami on November 29, 2012.
More cruises in Northern Europe
It is expected that 2012 will be one of the most successful season in the modern history of the cruise traveling for the Northern Europe region. The European Cruise Council (ECC) has estimated that the number of passengers in the current season will increase by 16% compared with 2011 and reach 1 million 490 thousand people.
Norwegian: free cruises for children
Norwegian Cruise Line, the third-largest cruise company in the world, announced a special offer – “Kids Sail Free”. As part of the offer potential customers will be able to book on favorable terms cabins on the cruise ships for themselves and their children – the third and fourth beds in the cabin for the children under 17 years can be booked for free.