Hamburg Cruise Days 2012
Hamburg Cruise Days 2012 is one of the biggest sea festivals in Europe. This feast with long traditions is a parade of ships with lighted lamps that pass along the river Elbe in the evening.
Each year in the parade take part over 100 cruise ships. Two or three ships are usually mega liners. In the port all guests can see sailers, river steamers, cutters and yachts. Russian sailing ship "Sedov" for many times participated in this Hamburg festival.
One of the features of the becoming festival is illumination. During the Cruise Days the docks of the Hamburg port will be lit by the blue light, which creates a completely unique fantastic atmosphere.
This year Hamburg Cruise Days will be held from 17 to 19 August 2012. As usually the parade will be attended by several mega ships.
Traditionally, the main feature of the show will be participating in the parade of the legendary Queen Mary 2 liner of the Cunard cruise company. At one time the Queen Mary 2 was the largest liner in the world. Even today its size is impressive. It should be noted that it is not the first participation in the Hamburg Cruise Days for the Queen Mary 2.
In addition, the festival will also be attended by the two liners of the German company AIDA - AIDAluna and AIDAmar.
The main events of the parade will be held in the evening on Saturday August 18, 2012. In the port’s piers the organizers are planning to deploy a huge Cruise World themed attraction, where visitors will be able to see all possible cruise entertainment on the land. This is spa, pools, water parks, cooking and tasting rooms, childcare centers and casinos.
The Hamburg Cruise Days are organized by the event-agency Uba gmbh and Red roses communications. The two companies won the tender for organizing this event, which was held by Hamburg Marketing GmbH.
Currently users of cruise-profi.ru have the opportunity to book online places on the cruise ships that will participate in the parade. Editorial team of the site also promises to supply its users with the latest developments and innovations concerning the celebration of the Hamburg Cruise Days.
Ilya Kalachev
Date: 01/03/2012
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